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Park Hill Junior School

Remote Learning

Our Remote Learning Provision

In the uncertain times that we are currently living in, it is important that we are fully prepared for the possibility that we may have to have a full or partial closure of school. There may also be instances where individual children will be self-isolating . 

If your child is required to isolate, they will be able to access their learning via the Google Classroom.  The procedures will be slightly different depending on whether individual children or classes are having to isolate.

Thank you for your support in ensuring your child can access their learning.

Accessing Google Classroom

To access the learning, please select My Google at the top of this page (in the top toolbar). Your child will be able to use their login details to access their account. Once logged in, please can your child select Classroom from the 9-dot ‘waffle menu’ on the right-hand side of the webpage.

Learning activities and tasks

Learning activities and tasks are allocated to children daily and where possible will be identical to those being taught in class.  This will include slide shows being used by the teaching staff as well as links that will be show.   Although tasks are allocated online, the majority of the learning can be completed offline if that is easier for the child/family.

Extra online activities can be found here:

Suggested pupil remote timetable

Please click here for the suggested timetable.

Class/year group isolating

In the event of a class/year group having to isolate, then all learning activities and tasks will be issued on their class Google Classroom page.

The Year Group team will be responsible for uploading tasks, recorded sessions and monitoring the room to provide feedback. There will be a daily registration session with their class teacher, or an adult from the year group. Daily live drop in sessions are available for children who require live teaching.

Class assemblies will occur at set times during the week to enable to children to see their peers and their year group staff members.

Individual children isolating

Once the parent/carer has informed the School Office that their child is having to isolate, the child will be added to a new room on Google Classroom for the duration of their absence from school.

Tasks will be set daily which need to be submitted online.  Miss Penn will monitor this room and allocate tasks on behalf of the class teachers. 

Links for assemblies/live sessions will be added to the room which your child is welcome to join from home. These may be whole-school, year group or class assemblies. Your child will be removed from the remote learning page once they can attend school in person.