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Park Hill Junior School


Our vision

At Park Hill Junior School, we provide a high quality history education, taught chronologically in order to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our novel-based approach to teaching history inspires children’s curiosity to question and deepen their understanding of the past. Teaching and learning is planned as part of our creative curriculum to enhance children’s ability to question, think critically and develop perspective and judgements.

The key concepts, also  known as the Threshold concepts, which are consistently covered across all the year groups include--- Society (warfare, beliefs, trade, agriculture, diversity, family life), Chronology (dates and time period), Evidence ( Primary and Secondary) and Legacy ( influence of past era and what we still use and why).  At Park Hill, we nurture our children to become learners who have an understanding of the past and can use this to understand the diverse and unique community in which we live. Also who can think logically, reason and implement their actions for a better  future. Learners who can use an inquiry-based approach to deepen their learning, share their perspective confidently and eventually grow into profound historians. At each key stage, children are given the opportunity to visit sites of historical significance as well as invite historians to visit school to talk about their experiences, recreate historical experiences and examine artefacts.

Our curriculum

  Autumn Spring Summer
Year 3

Stone Age

Iron Age

Bronze Age




Local History

Year 4 Ancient Egypt

Indigenous people

and their lives


Anglo Saxons

Local History

Year 5 India Greeks Space race
Year 6



Ancient Civilisations World War 2


Link to history websites