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Park Hill Junior School

Eco events at PHJS

We have lots going on – please put these dates in your diary:

Friday 7th June to Friday 5th July - Climate Action Countdown from Let’s Go Zero

A month of activities and challenges that can be done at home and at school to help us think about the planet. Every class will have a calendar of activities. Let’s see what we can achieve!

8th to 16th June - The Great Big Green Week - the theme is LET’S SWAP TOGETHER FOR GOOD.

What swaps can we make? Swap buying new clothing for second hand? Swap meat for vegetables for at least one meal? Swap playing with a friend online for a face to face play? We will be collating the swaps we can all make as a school community, so please think about what you and your family can do.

Monday 10th June - Park Hill Junior School Mini Eco Fayre, 3.30-4.15pm

Park Hill Junior School will be celebrating The Great Big Green Week and to start the week off we will be hosting a mini Eco Fayre. To celebrate this we are asking for any donations of children's books, toys in good condition, indoor /outdoor plants and any homemade or bought cakes (ingredients listed please). Let's fly the Green Flag and help the environment! Please bring in your donations of cakes on Monday 10th June and any other donations for the Fayre can be brought in the previous week. Many thanks for supporting us.

30 Days Wild throughout June

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts' annual nature challenge encouraging the nation to do one 'wild' thing every day throughout June. Your daily wild activities can be anything you like - you might be having breakfast with the birds on Monday, feeling the grass between your toes on Tuesday, and watching wildlife webcams on Wednesday. Anyone can take part – sign up here!

Sign up any time

Young Climate Warriors - a charity supporting schools and communities in advancing climate literacy and inspiring children to choose to take action for the climate. Click here for weekly challenges that children will love!