Home Learning
As a parent or carer you can play a vital role in your child’s education, including home learning.
All pupils are expected to complete the following home learning each week:
Daily reading which they record in their school planner
Mathletics activities every week which links to their maths learning in class: https://login.mathletics.com/
Learn their weekly spellings (the list is found in their planner and they can practise on EdShed) https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login/school
If they are not confident with their times tables, children should also use TTRS to practise them: https://play.ttrockstars.com/
The children should have received their logins for the above websites.
It is also expected that the children’s planners are signed by an adult every week.
Year 5
In Year 5, the children will complete the above, plus in the summer term they will have weekly arithmetic and weekly comprehension/grammar home learning which they will mark with their teacher in class. This will be posted on their Google Classroom or hard copies are available in class for those who need it.
Year 6
In Year 6, the children will complete the above, plus they will have weekly arithmetic and weekly comprehension/grammar home learning which they will mark with their teacher in class. This will be posted on their Google Classroom or hard copies are available in class for those who need it.
To promote the children’s curiosity around certain subjects and themes and to link with their learning in class, the teachers will suggest that the children complete additional home learning as appropriate. This could include researching a particular country or an important historical or scientific figure plus other research opportunities which can then be shared with the class to further everyone’s learning and understanding of their current class themes. Children can be as creative as they want to with this, either writing facts, creating models of things they have researched or using google docs or slides to record their research.
If you need any support with Home learning please speak to your child’s class teacher or their Phase Team Leader.