Our vision
At Park Hill we understand that geography is the key to our future and how a deepening understanding of the subject knowledge can have an immense impact on our children’s future. Hence, we have introduced threshold concepts, which are the key concepts covered in our curriculum consistently across all the year groups. These include location (HOTCLUB and map reading), physical geography (Physical processes, landscape, flora and fauna), human geography (man-made structures, diversity, cultures, relationship to the environment) and comparisons (to other locations). Children are taught to develop their research skills and gather different geographical facts for specific countries, including HOTCLUB (Hemisphere, Other countries, Time zone, Climate, latitude and longitude, Us and Bodies of water).
Children are consistently encouraged to read, research, use geographical vocabulary and provided with various resources like knowledge organisers, four point compasses, maps and atlases to develop their skills. To get children excited and curious about their geography, we create opportunities for them to share their knowledge in a debate or quizzes. Teachers plan cross-curriculum lessons involving geography, DT, English and art, providing children with an opportunity to research and understand various aspects of a concept or country and its influence on the future.
Our curriculum
Geography | Autumn | Spring | Summer |
Year 3 | India |
Antarctica Climate Change |
UK countries & main cities |
Year 4 |
Africa Modern Egypt |
Rainforests Amazon |
Europe |
Year 5 | India |
Biomes Space Layers of Earth |
Space, volcanoes and earthquakes Greece and Italy |
Year 6 | West Africa | Environment | WW2 countries |